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Planetary Overlord (Advanced) ft. FK

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Additional Stuff that has been added in the advanced version:

It's way more boosted than the YouTube version, contains 20 extra yantras and permanent auric upgrades to naturally repel malefic energies, the most overpowered thing that makes it better is the energy output of performing 33 consecutive navagraha homams for 108 days in a row and much more...

Contains everything from the YouTube version-

This highly powerful and advanced energy field is designed to absolutely and entirely remove any malefic and harmful influences on you from any planets and any other celestial objects in existence. This field is excessively powerful and basically has infinite applications to improve your life in every aspect, this is a must for basically everyone regardless of astrological chart because everyone has some weakness somewhere. This will completely remove the malefic and harmful influences at the deepest level possible, this has far too many benefits to even consider explaining since your chart covers everything. You will start to notice all type of things such as luck turning around for the better, attraction improving, wellbeing improving, physicality improving, etc. Basically anything you can think of will improve from this.

This also contains the energy signature of a real navgrah homam for all planets and yantras to remove malefic effects from all planets by Xerron (this does not contain the real things, ONLY energy output, understand this). This also works to remove negative influence from doshas and yogas in your chart, theoretical planetary objects like Rahu and Ketu, and basically any type of celestial object that can influence you no matter what.

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SUBLIMINAL. THERE ARE NO AFFIRMATIONS HERE EXCEPT BOOSTER AFFIRMATIONS. THIS IS AN ADVANCED ENERGY FIELD (NOT A MORPHIC). DO NOT OVERUSE. Completely suitable for unisex usage Contains three private boosters for permanent results. Headphones and speakers both work. This is a heavy and powerful energy field, don't overuse it as you can overwhelm yourself very easily.

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Planetary Overlord (Advanced) ft. FK

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