
THE PRISM (Attunement Field)

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THE PRISM (Attunement Field)


Alright, let's get straight to the point about what this field does and how it's gonna save you a ton of time and prevent you from frying yourself because of overusing fields/subs. If you were looping a field 20 times a day. THE PRISM will give you the same results in just 2-3 listens from your desired fields while keeping you sane and grounded. It significantly increases your progress.

THE PRISM is an energetic structure that is embedded within this field.

It is an attunement type field which means the field will attune itself with your subconscious and your whole energy system. I won't go into the blueprint on how this is designed but if you're interested to discuss the design of this structure, you can hit my DMs.

All you need to do is initially loop the audio for an hour for it to get attuned with your whole being and it's done. You will never have to use the field again. This field will be like your personal AI. If you wish to use it further, just do it once every week after the one hour initial listening session.

Listening instructions

  1. For your very first session loop the audio for an hour
  2. After an hour the attunement will be done
  3. Have fun exploring and experiencing all the benefits below

Now let's get straight to the benefits-

Subconscious Mechanisms

  • Real time scanning- The field will scan your subconscious in real time for blockages, limiting beliefs and negative thought loops and all types of resistence.
  • Transmutation- After scanning the resistances "THE PRISM" will transmute all of it into pure energy.
  • Healing- "THE PRISM" will heal your subconscious from the damages that are caused by fields and subliminals
  • Empowerment- “THE PRISM” will also gradually empower your subconscious for smooth manifestation.

Energetic mechanisms

  • Real time scanning- Just like the previous subconscious module "THE PRISM" will scan for blockages and leakages.
  • Clearing- After the scan the blockages and leakages will be cleared.
  • Healing- “THE PRISM” will then work on healing any damage that you have had because of overusing fields
  • Expansion- This will expand your energy system to handle more fields at once without experienced overload system
  • Optimal Energy Reserves- It will regenerate and prevent the loss of vital energies in your body such as the three treasures and prana. There is more emphasis on prana.
  • Overload prevention- “THE PRISM” will protect you from overloading your energy body by grounding you and distributing the excess energy into the earth.
  • Alignment and Coherence- This will align all your chakras and meridians into perfect coherence

Nervous System Mechanisms

  • Healing-THE PRISM” will actively work on healing your nervous system. 90% of you have a fried nervous system because of over looping and constant stimulation.
  • Development and resilience - Now it will focus on developing and enhancing your nervous system to make it more resilient which will in turn increase your ability to use more fields. less anxiety and more focus & Clarity will be cool side effects of this.
  • Nervous system coherence- This will make sure your nervous system is in perfect alignment and coherence with your energy body.
  • Burnout prevention- I think this is quite obvious, This field will constantly try to prevent exhaustion but still you should try to control excess stimulation that the world throws at you.
  • Conductive Nervous system- “THE PRISM” will act as a catalyst and conductor to the fields you use.

Boosting and Integration

  • High Vibrational State- This will make sure your state of being is always in a high vibrational state. When you’re vibrating at a high frequency, your responsiveness to fields increases at a very high rate.
  • Sponge like absorption- You will be like a sponge to morphic fields absorbing all the energy at a rapid rate.
  • New identity solidifier- When you use fields for mental and emotional changes. Your mind and energetic blueprint try their best to go back to the previous state because it is used to and grounded in those old patterns. “THE PRISM” will make sure you don’t go back to those old patterns.
  • Maximum integration- Energy and morphic fields are basically conceptual information programmed with energy and intent. “THE PRISM” will make sure none of the information is missed from absorption in each listen.

it has much more mechanisms involved. These are the main ones that will accelerate your journey through the roof

The field is quite intelligent and will adjust the intensity according to your own individual needs. You can also interact with it through thoughts and intentions and instruct it to focus on tasks you want to prioritize.


As soon as the user plays the audio it will attune itself with their subconscious and energy body. Once done. This will not work for anyone else. Unlike anti-piracy. In this case you’re the key. Your subconscious and energy imprint act as as a key to the energetic structure. It will encrypt your energy signature within the field.

I will keep tweaking it for better efficiency and like all my fields, all the future versions of this field will be available for free for the original buyers.

22% off for first 11 buyers. Use the code FIRST11

Also available on Patreon (Maybe less taxes)

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10:00 mins
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